Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Less than 6 months to go!!

Sorry I've been missing in action for a bit. Monica and I took a trip to DC and helped my parents move back to Colorado. It wasn't the smoothest move, but we made it and as you can see from the picture we took on the right, DC's tourist areas are still incredible!

We have another change to the wedding party, and we promise it's the final one. Monica's cousin, Jennifer Martinez-Almanza (think that name is long enough!?) is now a bridesmaid. I'm happy about this selection because Jenn is definitely one of my faves in Monica's family even though she likes crappy boxers, lol. Jenn's house is where the bridal shower is being hosted, and I'm sure she'll be an integral part in planning the bachelorette party. We love her, and you can see her great pic in the Wedding Party section of the site right now!

Only other things going on is dress shopping, dress shopping, and a little bit more dress shopping, lol. Monica has officially ordered her wedding dress, and unfortunately despite my best efforts, she hasn't cracked and I still haven't seen it. All I know is some wedding designer, Da Vinci, is the one that made it. I'm sure she'll look incredible. Also I know all the ladies are going shopping for dresses on Friday. We're 155 days from the wedding!

Finally, does anyone know of any cool wedding traditions? As a testament to my heritage, we're going to 'jump the broom' following the ceremony. Monica and I haven't looked that much, but what kind of traditions during a ceremony are used by Hispanics? Let us know! That's all for now! Laters!!

Correction: I mentioned Weld County in my previous blog. Thanks to Catherine for letting us know that Loveland is actually Larimer County! Oops! I have contacted Larimer and everything is still a go! Glad we didn't show up at Greeley trying to get a wedding license. Thanks C!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Keeping it in the family!

Hola everyone! We've been quiet on the wedding front for a couple weeks, but things are heating up big time! According to the countdown on the 'About Us' page, we have only 171 days to go until the big day!

So some of you may be wondering why in the world I have a picture of my parents on this blog. Well there are two reasons. First it satisfies my mom's request to get some recognition on this website, lol, and the other reason is that we have decided on an officiant for our wedding. It will be my dad that will do us the great honor of marrying us! In this great state of Colorado, you do not have to be licensed to perform a marriage. I have contacted Weld County (where we're getting hitched), and the two people wanting to be married can simply sign the certificate with or without witnesses and that's that! Well since we do want to have a ceremony, my dad is going to perform it, and Monica and I will sign the certificate afterward with my dad signing as a witness. So now both dads will have a job at the wedding! Yeah!

Switching topics, I think the wedding dress is being purchased this week, so that's a good thing. You girls are odd. I don't get why you have to get a dress nearly six months ahead of time! I mean really! Does it honestly take THAT LONG to get the dress sent to Denver and get the adjustments made!? Lol, I know I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. We're still deciding on who is going to handle the wedding cake, but we've gotten much closer to the wedding invites and we're a meeting or two away from having that nailed down.

Finally, I've made a small update to the Events page about the Bridal Shower. I don't exactly know anymore details other than what's been put there, but I'm sure that the ladies in charge of planning it will give me info as they get it right? Laters all!