Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Wow! It's been four months since I've posted! Well there's a reason for that. With Monica and I planning on having the wedding in June of 2011dye-blue-dendrobium, there really wasn’t a need to post anything as I didn't have any news. Well that's all changed! I'm sure most have heard that we've moved up the wedding date to November 26, 2010. Let me extinguish the main rumor...NO SHE IS NOT PREGNANT! Lol. We've been asked numerous times why we moved up the date and it's all really simple. I turn 32 in October, and I want to be done having children by the time I'm 35. Monica doesn't want children till marriage, and she wants two. Moving our wedding up 8 months means she can get pregnant sooner. It's also cheaper on the pockets to have a Fall/Winter wedding instead of a Summer one. The main reason that we decided to move it up though is because we figured, why not? What're we waiting for? So it's all set! November!

I think I made it pretty clear that I didn't want to stand on the sidelines and just show up on the wedding day. I want to be a part of the planning process too! It's my day also right!? There's been quite a bit of wedding talk around the Archuleta/Johnson household and one of the main ones up to a few weeks ago centered around colors. If any of you know Monica, you know that she has this obsession with the color blue. I mean, I love the color too. In fact it’s my fave by far. However we ran into a small bump in the road when discussing potential wedding colors because with a Fall wedding, I’m more wanting a burnt orange and brown, or something Fall like. With that said though, I’m perfectly happy with blue! Monica’s been hearing it from a few people that she should scrap blue for more ‘Fall’ colors and I disagree. So in addition to deciding on a date, and a location (check the website, I’ll blog about the site in a few days), we’ve also decided on wedding colors. They’re going to be sapphire blue & white. Personally I think they’re great colors, and I’m glad the bride stuck to her guns.

I just wanted to put in a brief entry to let you all know that I’m back and will be at least through November! I have a lot of things to talk about. Everything from me going to select our location solo, to heading to a bridal show with Monica and her mom this past weekend. Yeah! I hope the week is going well for you all and I’ll get back at you in a day or two. Check the website! You can make hotel reservations now!