Saturday, August 28, 2010

RSVPng now allowed! Yeah!

We have FINALLY finished, and you all can RSVP for our wedding! The invites went out Thursday evening (well most of them, we still have addresses we need to get) from Washington, so you may begin seeing invites as soon as today, but probably early next week for most. It's pretty exciting! Monica and I just looked and the official number is 218 people invited including children! Woah!! And that number might climb a bit more. We're officially less than three months away from the big day, and I can't stress how hectic things are! So many little things to do, and it feels like we need so much more time.

I've made subtle changes to the website over this week, and I'm gearing up to change the entire page's interface once again because I can never just let things be, lol. Let me know if you run into any issues whatsoever or if you have any suggestions. The biggest change I made was deciding to go with a different site to handle the RSVPs. You will notice that if you click the RSVP link, it will open another window. The link that's printed on your invitations still work as well.

Quick blog today as we have to get out of the house to finish wedding registry stuff (and speaking of that, I finally finished the Registry page), and Monica has some shoe shopping to do! Have a great weekend all!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New pictures!

Another day in paradise! Almost exactly three months till the big day, and of course things continue to stay busy on the wedding front. Tonight we're heading to do the wedding registry at a couple stores, and later this week Monica and her mother will be shopping for her shoes. Sucks because once again, I was told I couldn't go! Hahaha   :-)

Big change to the website this week. I've completely redone the photo album page because to be frank, the other one sucked. So please click that pretty link at the top, and it'll take you to the new one that went live just late last night. It includes 10 new exclusive pics from our photo shoot with Jennifer Martinez (bridesmaid for those that don't know), along with the other pics I already had up on the old photo album page. I like the plain black background, and when I convert this site to something else following the wedding, I may use the format that I have on the new photo album page. In any event, please let me know what you think! I'll be putting up more photos as I get them! I know I haven't put up any photos from the bridal shower, but that's because I haven't received any other pics from Jenn and Adria! I know you two ladies took great photos! Send them on over!! One last thing about the website. I've checked it out in other web browsers, and it looks pretty bad, so I'm looking into making this thing a bit more scalable for you Firefox, Chrome, and Safari users. Personally I think you should stay with the king, and roll with Internet Explorer, but to each his own, hehe. Just be patient like you already have and deal with it till I fix it. I do know that if your vertical pixels are no more than 768 (1366 x 768 for example) then it looks fine, but of course there is a myriad of different resolutions. I'll try to look at it and fix it tonight, but as of right now I can only promise the site is viewed correctly in Internet Explorer!

Invites go out the day after tomorrow! I have to give another shout out to Adria for helping us greatly with her caligraphy skills. I don't know how Monica and I would've gotten them addressed anywhere near as classy and stylish as she has done them. The guest list is pretty much complete, so if you're reading this and you don't receive an invite sometime next week, you want to blame the bride! Lol. We still haven't loaded in names so you all can RSVP, but like I promised, you will be able to very soon. We are trying very hard to get everyone in there. I'm hoping by Thursday evening, but definitely by the time invites start popping up in your mailboxes! And again, remember to reserve your room! Our incredible rate is good for only two more months, and we'd love to have a great breakfast with all of you the morning after our wedding.

I'll close this blog with more shout outs and thanks to everyone that has helped in our wedding planning. From Monica's mother pretty much being with us step by step, to Adria helping from afar with website design, bridal shower planning, and invitation addressing, to Jenn opening up her house to the crazy ladies in the wedding, taking our photos, and just being available and giving us great ideas. Thanks to you great women and everyone else that's helped so far! We greatly appreciate it! Yeah!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

100 day countdown!!

Another milestone has been hit as we've reached the 100 day mark before the wedding! It seems like plenty of time, but if you've ever planned a wedding, you know that it's not! Some updates since the last blog...a few of the bridesmaids' dresses began showing up. Monica's wedding gown is in, and she and her mom are going to try it on and decide on alterations tonight (I tried to get invited for the trip, but was told no sadly, lol). Other updates include my wedding band being ordered, and we received our wedding invitations. Adria happens to be the best, and she's going to be addressing them for us since she's great at calligraphy. They should be going out next week! And the last update, the other day Monica and I finally got together with Jenn (thank you!!) to take some pretty cool photos. We'll share them as we get them, but the picture on this blog is from that photo shoot.

The next couple weekends, outside of picking up my wedding band from the jeweler, will be pretty quiet on the wedding front. Like I just said above, wedding invitations will be going out and you all will be able to RSVP (preferably online), but overall it's going to be a quiet couple weeks until September hits and then things get a bit hectic. Very quick blog today! I hope the rest of the week goes well! Laters!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wake me when it's over!!

I’ll start this by saying that yup that’s a pic of my sister at the bridal shower. I don’t have any other exclusive pics yet, but since Katrina fell asleep pretty early that day, and Adria got a great pic, I’m obligated to post it! Lol!!

Okay, so as of today, we have 114 days till the wedding! Those who have planned weddings before know exactly what I mean when I say that I cannot wait to have my life back. It feels like every single weekend we have something wedding related to do, and it continues to increase more and more. I’ve begun to even question if we’ll ever have it all done! But anyway, onto what’s been going on…

Monica and I went and selected the tuxedos that all of the men will wear. There were some creative differences with the woman helping us, but in the end, we decided on a Calvin Klein all black tux for all the men. I’m going to rock a black vest and a black bow tie with of course a white shirt underneath. I wanted to go as classic as possible. Plus I don’t get to wear a bow tie every day! I told Monica that since I don’t get to see her in her dress till the big day, there’s no way that I’m allowing her to see me in the tux getting fitted beforehand. Yeah, I’m being a brat, but so what, haha.

Wedding invites have been officially approved! We’ll probably have them in the next week to two weeks, with our target mailing date around the 25th or 26th of August. We haven’t had a chance to load the names into our RSVP database yet, so like I said last time, I hope we’re able to do it very soon. One thing that you are allowed to do though is reserve your hotel room! I see that many have already reserved rooms, but just remember that our special room rate expires on the 26th of October and there’s nothing I can do about it. I also don’t know how many of each room is available, so obviously the earlier you get your reservation in, the better. If you’ve forgotten where to go to get our special rate, just click on the Accommodations link and the information is right there.

Other than that, we’ve decided quite a few things…we know what the broom is going to look like that we plan on jumping over. We have decided on the favors that all the guests will receive. We’re in the process of deciding on overall decorations. We’re also in the process of figuring out the agenda. This is the first wedding I have ever planned, and I cannot believe how much there is to do! Happy hump day everyone!